
Archive for June, 2019

The thing about having a couple of months off in the summer is that it’s really easy to forget what day it is. Almost forgot to post.

Progress: So far, slow, but steady. I’m reading through the original version of MAGE STORM, making copious notes as I go.

Mage Storm

Given other projects in the works–gardening and house cleaning, mostly–I’ve set a very modest goal of a chapter a week. Even at that rate, I should finish the read-through in a couple of weeks. And then we’ll see.

Otherwise, gardening is going pretty well. I’ve almost recovered the lower patio that had gotten so overgrown that only the neighborhood cats used it. Another day or two should see that completed.

Lower Patio

This is what it used to look like–and will again–more or less. (For one thing, that bush in the lower right is a lot bigger now.) The table is going to need some repairs, unfortunately.

House cleaning–well, it’s never been my favorite thing to do and, as I started with the most difficult (the kitchen), I’ve still got a ways to go before I can start to feel that motivating sense of accomplishment.

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I apologize for disappearing for–Wow! It’s really been a month, hasn’t it? Well, my only excuse is that reporting that there was nothing to report would be as boring for me to write as it must be for you to read.

Now, however, summer is here. I have a couple of months to work on things. That includes a thorough house cleaning and a good deal of yard work. But it also includes finding a way back into regular writing.

That–well, honestly, all three of those–are going to require the application of some self-discipline. The only one that I’ve made any headway on so far is the yard work, but that has to change. So, I will begin to have something to say again, soon.

Starting, of course with the completion of that re-read of the original version of MAGE STORM, so that I can hopefully find my way into the rewrite with the enthusiasm needed to complete it.

Mage Storm


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