
Archive for December, 2022

Well, that was an epic fail. The truth is, I’ve been struggling with creativity for a couple of years now. And I don’t know the answer–yet. But I will keep trying.

Part, at least, of my more recent struggles has been due to my aging computer. Sometimes, it’s just too s-l-o-w. I’ll type a sentence and only the first three words–or so–will actually appear on the screen. It’s impossible to actually write a book that way. But, I’ve got a new laptop, now. So, once I get fully comfortable with that, I may be able to make more progress. Let’s hope. Then I’ll try some ideas to try to get this old desktop to work better. I do prefer the ergonomic keyboard and larger screen–but those things can be plugged into the laptop, if I choose to do that.

I did start playing around with a new story, along with trying to make some progress on my Arthurian series. The new one is kind of fluffy–an experiment in subverting a trope. It might not actually ever be published, but, if I can at least establish a habit of writing on it, the time will have been well worth it.

I’ve been a bit better about my health resolutions, making healthy changes to my diet. But the last few months–and especially the last couple of weeks–I’ve been slacking off and allowing myself more treats. I’m going to have to put a stop to that.

So, this is a twofer post. Both how badly I did on last year’s goals and at least a little bit of what I hope to improve on next year.

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